Welcome to Bliss and Wisdom Foundation of Northern California
Your donation is tax deductible Tax ID: 47-2643084
1338 Ridder Park Dr. San Jose CA 95131
1. 本項目將用於急難救助專案。
2. Fundraising to provide aid to those affected by LA County wildfire.
Cash relief for people impacted by LA County wildfire
3. 本項目捐款不計入累積 [北加福智感恩回饋方案]。Donations to this project are not included in the accumulation.
Every human being naturally seeks to be free of suffering and to have abundant happiness, but true happiness only comes as the fruition of wise choices and inner cultivation.
福智北加分會成立於2004年,現有學員五百多人, 廣論研討班遍及矽谷灣區,主要分佈在 San Jose、San Francisco、 Cupertino、和 East Bay。積極推動心靈提昇與生命成長的理念,定期舉辦各種講座和學習課程,提供有益身、心、靈的資訊,服務北加州地區的華人。
Founded by the late Venerable Master Jih-Chang, Bliss and Wisdom Buddhist Foundation was established to help us obtain untainted wisdom and to guide our spiritual growth so that we can be wiser and happier. Buddhism discussion classes utilize A Great Treatise on the Stages of the Path to Enlightenment (Lamrim Chenmo) as the medium to help us understand and apply the teachings of Buddha. They lead a learner to recognize living beings, as well as to recognize the truths and purposes of life. Lamrim Discussion Classes are classes that value theoretical understanding and real-life applications alike. Discussion classes have now spread all over the world, and run for two hours each week. After the first year, a fellow learner may volunteer in the Bliss and Wisdom Organization, to apply the learnings to daily life. Bliss and Wisdom Northern California Chapter was established in 2004 and today has over 500 members. Our various classes focused on spiritual and personal growth, and on wellbeing are held regularly in San Jose, San Francisco, Cupertino, and East Bay. We sincerely welcome you to seek information about signing up for discussion classes in all regions, and to join us on the joyful path as a fellow learner of Buddha’s teachings.
釋日常 老和尚
我從我的師長及《菩提道次第廣論》的教授得到太多太多的好處!所以才會盡心盡力的介紹給出家眾和在家眾! I have received immeasurable benefits from my teachers and the teachings of The Great Treatise on the Stages of the Path to Enlightenment. This is why I am doing everything I can to introduce it to both renunciants and lay practitioners.
Founder of the Bliss & Wisdom Foundation, the late Ven. Jih-Chang
Welcome to Bliss and Wisdom Foundation of Northern California
Your donation is tax deductible Tax ID: 47-2643084